People of Belarte - Christal Hedgepeth

1. Introduce yourself

 I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa and moved to the United States almost 10 years ago. My love for interior design and Architecture transpired while traveling the world as a flight attendant. I was fortunate enough to see different elements of design from a global perspective. My design firm and store “The Hedged Home” will be a passion project starting in 2024, this is where I will get to showcase my design style and gather unique pieces from around the globe to create meaning and feeling in every space.

2. Tell us about the most cherished or meaningful item in your home and its story.

My most cherished pieces would have to include most of my vintage pieces, my favorite would include this 1980's tessellated post modern coffee table I stumbled upon at a vintage store, it’s just a beautiful piece of art, and it’s meaningful to me because there was a certain amount made and it cannot be reproduced.

3. How has your home evolved or changed over time, and what were the reasons behind those changes? 

As a creative I am never stagnant, I am constantly redesigning, reconfiguring or adding different elements or textured to a space.  I feel as we evolve our space should evolve to and this change doesn’t have to be the constant change in new furnishings or breaking open walls but simply shifting the energy of the space, changing furniture around or adding new accessories, using wall murals to elevate a room. To design is to create and creating is an evolutionary process.

4. How do you maintain a work-life balance when your home serves as your office as well? 

The best way I maintain a good work-life balance is to have a daily routine, this includes time management, organizing and prioritizing work tasks while my kids are in school, then being able to decompress by exercise, gardening or cooking. When my kids are home they are my number one priority, so being present and prioritizing time with them is most important . It is essential  to create a space that is both comfortable for my family and having a designated office space with limited distractions where you are able to focus and be creative. All of the above are key ingredients for me to maintain a healthy work- life balance.

5. Your 5 best interior style tips to create the right feeling in a home. 

Your home is your sanctuary and creating moments that make you feel something is becoming extremely important so why not make your home your oasis!

- Earthy palettes and textures instantly add a sense of calmness to any space

-Lightning and layout is extremely important, so invest in a beautiful chandelier or pendant light to draw the eye up and set the mood for your space. 

- Invest in wallpaper or wall coverings, this instantly elevates a space making it visually appealing.

-Upcylcle! Visit your local thrift store and go on a treasure hunt, giving accessories or furniture pieces a second life immediately adds charm and character to your home.

- Trust your gut and take your time, when you decorating or styling a space don’t be afraid to take risks, the space is for you and your family so have fun with your ideas and take your time choosing good quality pieces to fill your home.

6. What are your favorite designs from belarteSTUDIO? 

It would have to be the wood art. Nature is my biggest source of inspiration, and the wood carved in different shapes and textures creates a warm, inviting natural feel. Some of my other favorite designs by belarte studio include, vintage landscape, shibori clay and on the beach to name a few.

            VINTAGE LANDSCAPE                                  SHIBORI CLAY                                    ON THE BEACH