The story behind - Big & Bold

Have you heard of the expression, go big or go home? We have! The Big and Bold Collection is as the name reveals, characterized by big scale pattern and abstract artworks, a great addition to the contemporary space with the need of something extra. This collections lets you turn your walls into visually enticing works of art.

The designs are suitable for not only the four walls of a room but also the fifth wall, the ceiling. It consists of color combinations that mix bright pastels with deep dark tones as burgundy and blue. Multicolor art pieces, designs with tonal colors or sharp Black and Whites, such as our flow line two,
gives you a great variety when wanting to elevate any space.

The Big & Bold collection combines influences from Picassos early cubism works and Kelly Ellsworth hard-edge style with contemporary styles as Avant Basic.
Key color combination has been found in the gradient drapes of Justin Morin and the designs of company Montana furniture. For us this collections really stands for a mix of heritage and tradition combined with new influences and styles.

Hand painted art pieces with depth and bold colors have been mixed with soft faded colors painted in aquarelle. We have taken abstract designs with sharp transitions between color areas, just as the hard-edge style is characterized by and elevated them. With softer and more dynamic expressions this style has become more usable in every day environments. The combination of geometrical shapes, big scale artworks and the organic lines in the Calacatta marble gives the collection a bold and international vibe.

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The Calacatta Marble creates a contrast to the bright colors and artistic designs and creates a contemporary and versatile collection. Pieces from the collection can be mixed and matched together to create an eclectic look. But you can also chose to style it all more modest and go for something that adds character and elegance, such as the marble designs. The marble design is also a great for anyone who wants a more tractable option to real marble. The marble designs can be used with a glass plate above in order to create an even more durable surface.