How to match wall murals with color

Starting a creative journey to transform a space into a personal space means a carefully selection process, especially when it comes to wall murals and colors. The shades and patterns chosen for a room can evoke emotions, create moods and even change perceptions. It's a fine line between personal preferences, design principles and the ever so important lighting. This time, we delve into the area of color selection paired with wall murals, understanding its impact on the space and how it interacts with elements like lighting and mixing style eras to create timeless yet vibrant environments. Join Koi as they reveal the artistry behind filling spaces with hues and patterns that have a deep resonance, surviving the test of time while remaining refreshingly relevant. We talked to Koi's creative director Dagny Thurmann-Moe, here are her tips.


Describe the creative process when selecting colors for a project.

When selecting colors for a project, we first go through an extensive analysis, gathering enough information to have a foundation to create a concept that not only will stand the test of time, but also be in line with the client’s aesthetic. In this process, we do color exercises with the client, work with moodboards, both from the client and created by us. We really get to know our clients on a personal level, which is important when creating someone’s home. Our ambition is to create something that feels highly personal, and that will be the basis of a home that will hopefully feel right for the client for decades to come.

How do you match wall murals with colors? 

First advice is to do some initial work to figure out what their color aesthetic is. I think it’s really uninteresting to change decor or paint color every season, as a home needs to develop over time. We need to feel a sense of calm and contentment with the choices we make. That means that if you choose a wall mural, the goal should be to keep that wall mural for at least a decade, and hopefully more. And if you want to make lasting and sustainable choices for your home, you need to know what your color personality is.

You should also consider selecting a paint color that complements rather than competes with it. Choose a color form within the wall mural and to simplify this process, we’ve meticulously curated a color collection where the work of matching is already done, making it effortless to achieve the desired aesthetic.

We know that nothing is timeless. But to make it last, we strive to create enduring designs by combining elements from the past while looking forward. That means that we not only with the colors, but also with lighting and furniture mix decades and defined style directions. By seamlessly mixing interiors and wall murals from different styles and decades ensure that your color choices stand the test of time and that your home is unique and personal. 

Can you share some tips or advice for readers who are looking to incorporate more color into their own homes or spaces?

Colors look good with color. And you don’t need much to make an impact. Often, a white with just a little bit of pigment, can completely change a room. Make it softer, more interesting, subtle and refined. In most of our projects, we remove white from the interiors. The reason for that, is that white is not a part of the color wheel, and gives too much of a contrast towards the colors. If you really want a refined look, consider painting the ceiling in the same color as the walls - then you avoid the white disturbing surface on that so important fifth wall. This is especially important in rooms where you use more pigment in your colors. Same colored ceiling and walls will make the room feel more airy, and without the constraint of a defined ceiling.

Color is also usually divided into different groups. This is to make it easier to plan and create a consistent color palette or style. Within each color group, there are colors that go well together and can be easily combined to create a cohesive and balanced interior. At the same time, it should be possible to combine wall murals and colors across families to create interesting and dynamic interior styles. Don't forget to consider both harmony within color groups and the possibility of creating exciting contrasts by mixing different color families.


Can you discuss the role of lighting in enhancing or altering the perception of color within a room? How do you address this in your designs?

Light is incredibly important, as it has a strong effect on how we perceive colors. We know that different colors change in different lighting, and that has to be accounted for when we carefully select the nuances. We also have to take into account the Nordic light with its blue undertones. Especially during the winter months, and even more so in north facing rooms, it will add a layer of blue on the colors. We want the palettes we create to look beautiful through all seasons and in all kinds of weather. In addition to that we have light temperature on artificial light. A lot of modern light fixtures also have blue undertones, which is such a bad idea, but thankfully in most fixtures, you can change the temperature. But it needs to be just right. In other words; yes it affects our concepts, and yes, it’s incredibly important to get right.